Term of agreement clause samples

(a) Term of Agreement. This Agreement will become effective on May1, 2016 and will continue in effect until the date set forth on Schedule A (the “Initial Term”). This Agreement may be extended beyond the Initial Term by the written agreement of the parties.


3.For each Fund listed under “Fund” in Exhibit A, for the share classes of such Fund specified under “Classes,” AllianzGI U.S. shall waive its fees payable under the particular Management Agreement specified under “Affected Agreement” in the amount or according to the schedule specified under “Fee Waiver” and for the period specified under “Term of Agreement.” In each case, the amount waived will first be determined as aggregated across all share classes specified under “Classes” and then prorated among the specified share classes according to the average daily net assets attributable to each share class.

08/27/2020 (ALLIANZ FUNDS)

2. Term and Termination. 2.1 Term of Agreement. This Agreement will become effective on April30, 2008 and will continue in effect with respect to each Fund until the date set forth on Schedule A. This Agreement may be extended upon agreement of the parties, at which time Schedule A shall be amended to reflect the new term.


XVII. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall become effective with respect to the Fund on the Effective Date and, with respect to any additional Fund, on the date of receipt by the Adviser of notice from the Sub-adviser in accordance with Section II hereof that the Subscriber is willing to serve as Sub-adviser with respect to such Fund. Unless sooner terminated as provided herein, this Agreement shall continue in effect for two years from the Effective Date with respect to the Fund and, with respect to each additional Fund, for two years from the date on which this Agreement becomes effective with respect to such Fund. Thereafter, this Agreement shall continue in effect from year to year, with respect to the Fund, subject to the termination provisions and all other terms and conditions hereof, so long as (a)such continuation shall be specifically approved at least annually (i)by either the Board or vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund; (ii)in either event, by the vote of a majority of the Directors of the Company who are not interested persons of any party to this Agreement, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval; and (b)Sub-adviser shall not have notified Adviser and the Company, in writing, at least 60 days prior to such approval that it does not desire such continuation. Sub-adviser shall furnish to the Company, upon its request, such information as may reasonably be necessary to evaluate the terms of this Agreement or any extension, renewal, or amendment hereof.


place as of the date hereof, and shall handle customer-related services in a professional, businesslike and courteous manner. In connection therewith, Contractor shall maintain aircraft cleaning cycles and policies, shall comply with the provisions set forth in Exhibit J, and shall, subject to Section4.19 and Paragraph B(4)(d) of Schedule 3, maintain adequate staffing levels, to ensure at least a comparable level of customer service and operational efficiency that United achieves or generally requires of its other United Express carriers, including without limitation in respect of customer complaint response and boarding timing, and handling of irregular operations. In addition, at the request of United, Contractor shall comply with all such airline customer service commitments, policies and standards of care of United applicable to United Express carriers as adopted, amended or supplemented after the date hereof. Contractor shall ensure that all Covered Aircraft are equipped with an aircraft communications addressing and reporting system (“ACARS”) that provides operational information in a form reasonably acceptable to United. Contractor shall provide United with timely communication regarding the status of all Scheduled Flights, and shall perform the necessary functions to allow the completion of timely closeout procedures at United’s mainline service levels at comparably sized airports. Contractor shall remain Category 2 certified at all times during the Term of Agreement. Contractor will use United’s standard procedures for processing and adjudicating all claims for which Contractor is responsible in an effort to avoid such matters becoming the subject of claims, litigation or an investigation by a governmental agency or authority. At either party’s request, Contractor and United will meet to discuss and review Contractor’s customer service and handling procedures and policies and its employees’ conduct, appearance and training standards and policies. United shall give Contractor not less than fifteen (15)days prior written notice which notice identifies specifically the quality of service failures asserted by United and provides Contractor with an opportunity to cure of any non-safety related breach of this Section4.03 prior to exercising any remedy regarding such breach.


(b)United may elect, in its sole discretion, to extend the Covered Aircraft Term of all of the Covered Aircraft for an additional two (2)years beyond the Covered Aircraft Term Expiration Date of each respective Covered Aircraft specified on Schedule 1, by providing written notice of such election to Contractor no less than [***] months prior to the first such Covered Aircraft Term Expiration Date. Upon such election by United, each respective Covered Aircraft Term Expiration Date specified on Schedule 1, will be deemed to be amended to be such extended date. The Base Compensation during any such extension of the Term of Agreement will be escalated in a manner consistent with the methodology used during the initial Term of Agreement. Further, however, Contractor shall have the right to reduce the number of Covered Aircraft during such extension of the Term of Agreement to no less than fifty (50)aircraft, and such removed Covered Aircraft shall be subject to a Wind Down Schedule and shall not be flown for anyone else for the remainder of the Term of Agreement.


(d)Upon Expiration of the Term of Agreement.Upon the expiration of the Term of Agreement, then the wind-down terms specified in Section8.03(b) will apply (as if the termination were pursuant to Section8.02(b)), except thatthe Termination Date shall be the expiration date of the Term of Agreement and United’s Wind-Down Schedule shall be delivered to Contractor not less than [***] months prior to such expiration date.


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