Registration Resources

Use the resources below to guide you through the registration process. You'll find the academic catalog, time management tools, course planning sheets, and contact information for your academic advisor.

How to register

Steps to Register

  1. Refer to the email you will receive from your academic advisor (Be sure to check your UC Merced email account). It will tell you which courses to register for to complete degree your requirements.
  2. Check for course options on the Online Schedule of Classes
  3. Register online at MyRegistration
  4. If you need assistance utilize the tools and links in the Resources section below.

Placement exams

Please check below for placement exam information for Spring 2019 new students.

Chemistry and Math Placement Exams

Who needs to take the Chemistry and Math Placement Exams?

New First-Year Students

MATH Placement Exam - All incoming first-year students regardless of major
CHEM Placement Exam - All incoming first-year students intending majors in the School of Natural Sciences or School of Engineering and any pre-health students or students who intend to take CHEM courses regardless of their major

New Transfer Students

MATH Placement Exam - All incoming SSHA transfer students that have not taken a UC transferable Pre-Calculus course
CHEM Placement Exam - All incoming transfer students that have not taken a UC transferable Preparatory Chemistry course and are intending majors in the School of Natural Sciences and any pre-health students or students who intend to take CHEM courses regardless of their major

MATH and CHEM Placement Exam Questions: email

Spanish Placement Exam

Who needs to take the Spanish Placement Exam?

Required for all students, including transfer students, who plan to:

Spanish and Exam Questions: Contact your advisor.

French Placement Exam

Who needs to take the French Placement Exam? Required for all students, including transfer students, who plan to:

Spanish and French Placement Exam Questions: Contact your academic advisor.