Fresh Features For You! Check out Assignment Overview and Pinned Posts


Whether you’re just heading back to class, or your school year is well underway, we’ve launched two great new features to keep your hybrid classroom organized.

Meet Assignment Overview

Assignment Overview feature gives you a high-level view of all your assignments.

With visibility on all work assigned to your class and all student feedback received, you can easily keep track of student engagement. View due dates, students’ submissions, and your feedback – for all assignments in that class. Spot where students are shining, determine which lessons may need another approach, and identify where students may need additional support in their learning journey.

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Kiss the spreadsheets goodbye! Assignment Overview is a great way to keep track of all student work submitted – all within the Showbie app. You can also easily download your Assignment Overview to share with colleagues and school administration to highlight success and report on student progress over time.

To access your Assignment Overview , simply select the Class you’d like to view and then tap on the Wrench icon. From the menu that pops up, select Overview , and you’re in!

If you’re a Showbie Pro teacher, you can also view any Grades assigned to assignments and view assignments within Class Folders. Learn more about Showbie Pro here.

Pinned Posts in Assignments and Groups

Stop scrolling endlessly through posts and keep important posts at the top of the pile.

We know getting and keeping your students’ attention can be a challenge, especially from behind a screen. Great news! You can now pin posts in Assignments and Groups.

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You told us that important posts were getting lost among all the conversations and content posted in your class. Pinning posts in Assignments and Groups means you can keep important class announcements, class materials, and instructions at the top of the conversation thread. Pinning posts right where you need them means your students can always find important posts from you, and you spend less time scrolling trying to find that one post from yesterday…last week? Month?

To pin a post , simply tap on the comment in the Assignment or Group that you want to highlight, and select Pin . Easy peasy. And, when you unpin your post, it will return to the original location in the conversation thread.

**If you’re using Showbie Pro, you’ve already got access to this handy feature in Class Discussion. Learn more about Showbie Pro here.**

Wait! There’s more. We’re building a classroom organization game-changer just for you!

Assignment Reordering is on the way.

We heard you loud and clear that you needed a better way to organize your class assignments.

Our Assignment Reordering feature will give you the flexibility you need to sort and move assignments in your class assignment list, so you and your students can keep track of work in a way that works best for your class.

No longer will you need to try and work around default settings that currently sort assignments by due date and name. Now, you will have complete control to sort and organize all your assignments to your heart’s content.

Stay tuned for a message from our team!

Help us help you.

We care a lot about feedback from teachers just like you. Your ideas and suggestions help us make Showbie even better for teachers and students all around the world.

Have feedback or ideas about new features? Send them our way using the Request a Feature form on our website.