The Secretary of State maintains the Advance Health Care Directive Registry as required by Probate Code section 4800 which allows a person who has executed an advance health care directive to register information regarding the directive with the Secretary of State. This information is made available upon request to the registrant's health care provider, public guardian, or legal representative. A request for information must state the need for the information.
An advance health care directive can be made a part of the Secretary of State's registry by attaching a copy of the advance health care directive to the Registration of Written Advance Health Care Directive (PDF) filed with the Secretary of State. As an alternative to providing a copy of the written directive to the Secretary of State, its location can be indicated on the registration form.
An advance health care directive lets your physician, family, and friends know your health care preferences, including the types of special treatment you want or don't want at the end of life, your desire for diagnostic testing, surgical procedures, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and organ donation.
To obtain or create an advance health care directive form:
For more information regarding end of life care or estate planning, please contact the Office of the Attorney General.
For more information on how you can become an organ, eye or tissue donor, please contact Donate Life California.