Use Case Diagrams | Unified Modeling Language (UML)

A Use Case Diagram is a vital tool in system design, it provides a visual representation of how users interact with a system. It serves as a blueprint for understanding the functional requirements of a system from a user’s perspective, aiding in the communication between stakeholders and guiding the development process.


Important Topics for the Use Case Diagrams

1. What is a Use Case Diagram in UML?

A Use Case Diagram is a type of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram that represents the interaction between actors (users or external systems) and a system under consideration to accomplish specific goals. It provides a high-level view of the system’s functionality by illustrating the various ways users can interact with it.


2. Use Case Diagram Notations

UML notations provide a visual language that enables software developers, designers, and other stakeholders to communicate and document system designs, architectures, and behaviors in a consistent and understandable manner.

1.1. Actors

Actors are external entities that interact with the system. These can include users, other systems, or hardware devices. In the context of a Use Case Diagram, actors initiate use cases and receive the outcomes. Proper identification and understanding of actors are crucial for accurately modeling system behavior.


1.2. Use Cases

Use cases are like scenes in the play. They represent specific things your system can do. In the online shopping system, examples of use cases could be “Place Order,” “Track Delivery,” or “Update Product Information”. Use cases are represented by ovals.


1.3. System Boundary

The system boundary is a visual representation of the scope or limits of the system you are modeling. It defines what is inside the system and what is outside. The boundary helps to establish a clear distinction between the elements that are part of the system and those that are external to it. The system boundary is typically represented by a rectangular box that surrounds all the use cases of the system.

Purpose of System Boundary:


3. Use Case Diagram Relationships

In a Use Case Diagram, relationships play a crucial role in depicting the interactions between actors and use cases. These relationships provide a comprehensive view of the system’s functionality and its various scenarios. Let’s delve into the key types of relationships and explore examples to illustrate their usage.

3.1. Association Relationship

The Association Relationship represents a communication or interaction between an actor and a use case. It is depicted by a line connecting the actor to the use case. This relationship signifies that the actor is involved in the functionality described by the use case.

Example: Online Banking System


3.2. Include Relationship

The Include Relationship indicates that a use case includes the functionality of another use case. It is denoted by a dashed arrow pointing from the including use case to the included use case. This relationship promotes modular and reusable design.

Example: Social Media Posting


3.3. Extend Relationship

The Extend Relationship illustrates that a use case can be extended by another use case under specific conditions. It is represented by a dashed arrow with the keyword “extend.” This relationship is useful for handling optional or exceptional behavior.

Example: Flight Booking System


3.4. Generalization Relationship

The Generalization Relationship establishes an “is-a” connection between two use cases, indicating that one use case is a specialized version of another. It is represented by an arrow pointing from the specialized use case to the general use case.

Example: Vehicle Rental System


4. How to draw a Use Case diagram in UML?

Step 1: Identify Actors

Determine who or what interacts with the system. These are your actors. They can be users, other systems, or external entities.

Step 2: Identify Use Cases

Identify the main functionalities or actions the system must perform. These are your use cases. Each use case should represent a specific piece of functionality.

Step 3: Connect Actors and Use Cases

Draw lines (associations) between actors and the use cases they are involved in. This represents the interactions between actors and the system.

Step 4: Add System Boundary

Draw a box around the actors and use cases to represent the system boundary. This defines the scope of your system.

Step 5: Define Relationships

If certain use cases are related or if one use case is an extension of another, you can indicate these relationships with appropriate notations.

Step 6: Review and Refine

Step back and review your diagram. Ensure that it accurately represents the interactions and relationships in your system. Refine as needed.

Step 7: Validate

Share your use case diagram with stakeholders and gather feedback. Ensure that it aligns with their understanding of the system’s functionality.

Let’s understand how to draw a Use Case diagram with the help of an Online Shopping System:

1. Actors:

2. Use Cases:

  1. Browse Products
  2. Add to Cart
  3. Checkout
  4. Manage Inventory (Admin)

3. Relations:

Below is the usecase diagram of an Online Shopping System:


5. What are common Use Case Diagram Tools and Platforms?

Several tools and platforms are available to create and design Use Case Diagrams. These tools offer features that simplify the diagram creation process, facilitate collaboration among team members, and enhance overall efficiency. Here are some popular Use Case Diagram tools and platforms:

6.1. Lucidchart


6.3. Microsoft Visio

6.4. SmartDraw

6.5. PlantUML

6. What are Common Mistakes and Pitfalls while making Use Case Diagram?

Avoiding common mistakes ensures the accuracy and effectiveness of the Use Case Diagram. Here are key points for each mistake:

6.1. Overcomplication:

6.3. Ambiguous Relationships:

6.3. Inconsistent Naming Conventions:

6.4. Misuse of Generalization:

6.5. Overlooking System Boundaries:

6.6. Lack of Iteration:

7. What can be Use Case Diagram Best Practices?

Creating effective and clear Use Case Diagrams is crucial for communicating system functionality and interactions. Here are some best practices to follow:

7.1 Keep it Simple:

7.2 Consistency:

7.3. Organize and Align:

7.4. Use Proper Notation:

7.5. Review and Iterate:

By following these best practices, you can create Use Case Diagrams that effectively communicate the essential aspects of a system, fostering a shared understanding among stakeholders and facilitating the development process.

8. What are the Purpose and Benefits of Use Case Diagrams?

The Use Case Diagram offers numerous benefits throughout the system development process. Here are some key advantages of using Use Case Diagrams: