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Capturing Kids' Hearts

Capturing Kids' Hearts

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Capturing Kids' Hearts

Capturing Kids' Hearts



Capturing Kids’ Hearts 1 Training (CKH-1) has already dramatically elevated the academic and behavioral standards for millions of students in thousands of classrooms across America.

Transforming Classrooms into High-Achieving Centers of Learning

Teachers Face a Formidable Challenge

They must raise the bar on student performance, all the while competing against social, environmental, and outside pressures as never before. While researchers and district personnel work to determine the most effective curricula, teachers struggle to manage classrooms.

Solving the Challenge

Teachers can’t always control what comes into their classrooms, but CKH-1 shows them how to create high-achieving centers of learning by strengthening students’ connectedness to others through enhancing healthy bonds with their teachers and establishing collaborative agreements of acceptable behavior.

The Capturing Kids’ Hearts® (CKH) Process is working in thousands of classrooms across the country to provide the strategy and training for teachers and administrators to achieve success in today’s classrooms.

Give us a teacher who’s passionate about their subject, a teacher who cares for the welfare and success of their students, and we’ll give that teacher the tools they need to engage and challenge students, and raise them to a higher level of performance.

Participant Outcomes

CKH-1 is an immersive, participatory experience. Teachers, staff, and administrators learn and practice skills they will use and model in their classrooms, schools, and districts, including:

When school administrators provide ongoing support for teachers using the CKH Process, the entire school grows a sense of loyalty and enthusiasm for learning.

CKH-1 is the beginning of a transformational, multi-year process for teachers and administrators at the campus or district level.


When CKH-1 is combined with a systemic approach, our research-based process improves the five key indicators of school performance: fewer discipline referrals, improved attendance, higher student achievement, lower dropout rates, and higher teacher satisfaction.

Campuses implementing with fidelity have experienced: