Curriculum Guide – Grade 7 TLE: Carpentry

Description Curriculum guide of Grade 7 TLE: Carpentry for the implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program. Objective 1. Identify content and performance standards and learning competencies in Grade 7 TLE: Carpentry.
2. Serve as guide in developing teaching and learning materials.
3. Provide basis and strategies for assessing student progress.
4. Provide a dynamic educational program for students.

Curriculum Information

Education Type Secondary School
Grade Level Grade 7
Learning Area Technology and Livelihood Education
Content/Topic carpentry
Intended Users Educators

Copyright Information

Copyright Yes
Copyright Owner Department of Education
Conditions of Use Use for educational purposes only

Technical Information

File Size 323.05 KB
File Type application/pdf
Software/Plug-in Requirements Adobe Reader
No. of Pages 9 p.